Attendance Explanation
Attendance Information
New Jersey Statute explains that an "Excused Absence" is a pupil's absence from school for a full day or a portion of a day for one or more of the following reasons:
- The pupil's illness
- Requirements of a pupil's individual health care plan
- A death or critical illness in the pupil's immediate family, or others with permission of the Principal
- Quarantine
- Observance of the pupil's religion on a day approved for that purpose by the State Board of Education
- The pupil's suspension from school
- Requirements of the pupil's Individual Education Program (IEP)
- Short or long-term accommodations for pupils with disabilities
- The pupil's required attendance in court
- Interviews with an admissions officer of an educational institution
- Necessary and unavoidable medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled at a time other than the school day
- Such good cause as may be acceptable to the Building Principal
New Jersey Statute explains that an "Unexcused Absence" is a pupil's absence for all or part of a school day for any reason other than those listed above. Absence is expressly not excused for any of the following purposes (This list is intended to be illustrative and is not inclusive.)
- Family travel unrelated to the instructional program
- Performance of household or babysitting duties
- Other daytime activities unrelated to the school program
- Accumulated occurrences of tardiness.
The following will describe our process for Unexcused Absences:
At Five Cumulative Unexcused Absences:
After the fifth Unexcused Absence, you will receive a letter notifying you of the Unexcused Absences and of our concern for your child's attendance. If necessary, you may be required to meet with building administration to develop an action plan in consultation with administration to form a plan to have your child return to school and maintain regular attendance. If your child continues to have Unexcused Absences, a follow-up investigation will be held to discover the cause of each Unexcused Absence. The action plan will be revised as necessary based upon the pupil's needs and specify interventions for achieving regular attendance.
At Ten Cumulative Unexcused Absences:
After the tenth Unexcused Absence, you will receive another letter notifying you of the Unexcused Absences and of our concern for your child's attendance. For cumulative Unexcused Absences of ten or more, the pupil between the ages of six and sixteen is truant, pursuant to law. This may result in a referral to the court program required by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts. Please be in contact with building administration during this time so that we can properly understand your circumstances and assist in maintaining regular attendance in school.
Number of Days Required:
Please note that a pupil must be in attendance for 165 or more school days in order to be considered to have successfully completed the instructional program requirements of the grade/course to which he/she is assigned. A waiver of these attendance requirements may be granted for good cause by the school Principal.